In this third devlog, I go behind the scenes of Bug Hunter’s first full-fledged prototype. I dive into the designerly thinking behind this new iteration of my research-creation project. The post is divided into 5 parts, one for each section of the prototype.
The first segment introduces the new UI element called the “Bug Report System.” This is the occasion to contextualize the narrative situation of the game, the new aesthetic of the GUI, and how the goal and mechanics are communicated to players. I also clarify the intentions that motivate the chosen kinesthetic flow in relation to the game space and the respawn mechanic. Near the end, I go over the game economy, its fictional substance, and how players are allowed to participate in it, while also reflecting on the code that regulates the movement behaviors of the flying Bugs.
The second part is dedicated to the first puzzle which is based on the Uncollider. I discuss the game’s level of difficulty in light of the message and experience I want to convey. Furthermore, I unfold key design considerations related to how the flock of Bugs behave from the standpoint of puzzles and challenges. Additionally, I present the Unglitch mechanic, its strategic value and its design relevance as a process allowing a margin of error to help players.
The third section analyzes the second puzzle requiring the mastery of the Demassifyer. I take the time to explain how knowledge, skills, and glitches acquired from previous puzzles need to be combined together to progress.
The fourth video reflects on the design logic embedded in the Switcher puzzle. Besides, I talk about some of the modeling and coding challenges I encounter trying to implement the Switcher mechanic in a workflow using Unity and Blender together.
The last portion of this devlog dissects the final puzzle structured around the Enforcer. I explain why I have decided to create a simplified user interface to interact with this glitch. Moreover, I take a closer look at the two shaders used to aesthetically represent the Enforcer propulsion effect. The devlog concluded on a final remark about the two possible endgame states and what they imply for the next creative moves I have in mind.