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Hugo Montembeault has a Ph.D from the department of Art History and Film Studies of the University of Montreal where he is also a lecturer in video game studies. He teaches (or have taught) courses in game design, game aesthetic, immersion, game culture, and game research methodology. His main research focuses on the transgressive nature of glitching from the standpoint of media archaeology and critical theory.

He is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the "Technoculture, Art and Games" (TAG) Research Center of Concordia University where he conducts a two-years game design research-creation project funded by the Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Société et Culture. Through the creation of a glitch-based videoludic experiment, he explores, tinkers, and maps glitch theory, poetry and rhetoric.

In the past years, he had collaborated on two fully-funded game research projects at the "Video Games Observation and Documentation University Lab" (LUDOV) focus on the history of video game genre and game criticism. His other contributions touch on narratology, game historiography, discourse of the gaming press, and walking simulators.

Book (in production)

I'm currently writing a book on my research about glitches for an incoming collection of Pix'n Love Publishing that will be dedicated to the academic studies of games. To be published in 2022.

Degree (film studies / game studies)

"Anarchéologie du glitche: De l’erreur ludique aux possibles ludo-politiques" (2019). Ph.D Theses, University of Montreal. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/24797.

"De la réception filmique à la participation ludique : prolégomènes d’une étude sur l’énonciation vidéoludique" (2014). Master Thesis (specialization in "game studies"), University of Montreal. https://papyrus.bib.umontreal.ca/xmlui/handle/1866/11611.

Bachelor in Film Studies (concentration in "film production") (2012), University of Montreal.

Book Chapters

"Saboter la finitude". In Karim Charredib & Yannick Kernec'h (eds.), La Fin dans les jeux vidéo : Aspects des spatio-temporalités vidéoludiques. [To be published].

"The Discourse Community’s Cut: Video Games and the Notion of Montage." (2019). In Jeff Thoss & Michael Fuchs (eds.), IntermediaGames – Games Inter Media, pp. 37-68. Co-authored with Bernard Perron, Andréane Morin-Simard and Carl Therrien.

Scientific Articles

"The Walking Simulator’s Generic Experiences." (2019). In Press Start, 5(2) : « Special Issue : Walking Simulators ». Co-authored with Maxime Deslongchamps-Gagnon. https://press-start.gla.ac.uk/index.php/press-start/article/view/134.

"Introduction: Splendeur(s) et misère(s) des genres vidéoludiques." (2019). In Kinephanos (may), pp.1-8. Co-authored with Andréane Morin-Simard, Jean-Charles Ray, Pascale Thériault & Bernard Perron. https://www.kinephanos.ca/2019/introduction-splendeurs-et-miseres-des-genres-videoludiques/.

"Le jeu vidéo et la notion de montage: se “couper” du cinémato-centrisme." (2019). In CINÉMAS, 28(2-3), pp. 133-154 (spring). Co-authored with Maxime Deslongchamps-Gagnon & Bernard Perron.

"À quoi pensent les archives de la jouabilité? Une approche historiographique de l’expérience vidéoludique." (2018). In Conserverie Mémorielle, 23 (Octobre 10). Co-authored with Simon Dor. https://journals.openedition.org/cm/3171.

"La Focalis-action: Des savoirsnarratifs aux faires vidéoludiques." (2018). In Science du Jeu, 9 (June 21). Co-authored with Bernard Perron. https://journals.openedition.org/sdj/897.

Media and web appearances

Manilève, Vincent (2020). "Jeu vidéo: pourquoi courir ?". In Stories d’Ubisoft (june 11). https://stories.ubisoft.com/article/jeu-video-pourquoi-courir/.

Dor, Simon (2018). "Les glitches, les FPS et Bedlam (avec Hugo Montembeault)." YouTube Academic Project "Let’s play ta recherche(D). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teesS_jPvbg&t.

Berthiaume, Jean-Michel & Christopher Chancey (2017). "Podcast Pop-en-Stock #136 : Resident Evil." Pop-en-stock (september 1st). http://popenstock.ca/podcast/pop-136-resident-evil.

Lindbergh, Ben & Jason Concepcion (2017)."‘Ghost Recon Wildlands’ and E-sports Analytics." Achievement Oriented (March 16). https://podcasts.apple.com/bb/podcast/ep-23-ghost-recon-wildlands-and-esports-analytics/id1211500702?i=1000382922681.

Concepcion, Jason (2016). "A History of Violence. The evolution of the first-person-shooter video game, from ‘Maze War’ to ‘Overwatch’". The Ringer (August 2). https://www.theringer.com/2016/8/2/16037102/first-person-shooter-video-game-evolution-overwatch-e0cc38ff633d#.d01o177%20kt.


Montembeault, Hugo (2019). "Vertige." YouTube (October 8). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyUFVkrL2uw.

Game Mechanic Prototyping

Montembeault, Hugo (2019). "Bug Hunter - Game mechanics (test)." YouTube (August 20). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOy13CqLvzo&t=2s.

YouTube Appearance

Dor, Simon (2018). "Les glitches, les FPS et Bedlam (avec Hugo Montembeault) | Let's play ta recherche #2." YouTube (December 21). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teesS_jPvbg&t.

Profil Ludique (On hold podcast project)

Profil Ludique is an academic podcast co-hosted by Maxime Deslongchamps-Gagnon and Hugo Montembeault. The first seasons was dedicated too the in-depth analysis of the walking simulator genre. The project is currently under a reconstruction process.

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